Mars Is Losing Its Atmosphere Fast

Measurements of Martian atmospheric loss rates imply incredible changes over the assumed billions of years of Mars' history.

How Long Does Geology Take?

Geological change can occur quickly, if conditions are right, affecting life and civilization.
Cassini at Saturn

Cassini Gets Higher Look at Saturn's Youth

Now entering its final dramatic high orbits, the Cassini spacecraft is finding unexpected things for an assumed old planet.

Anti-Biblical Bias Shaped Geological Opinion

Geologists resisted evidence for catastrophic flooding because they wanted to distance themselves from Genesis.
Cassini at Saturn

SaturNews and TitaNews

New findings are running rings around planetary theories of old age, particularly in the Saturn system.

Spirit Lake Threatens Megaflood

36 years after Spirit Lake was destroyed by a volcano, it has come back with its own threats of destruction.

Underground Oceans Can't Last Forever

If Pluto and Enceladus have oceans under the crust, why are they still liquid after billions of years?

Pluto, Charon Details Trickle In

Happy Leap Year! New photos from Pluto and Charon continue to show enigmatic features.

Possible Super-Grand Canyon Found Under Antarctica

Another record-breaking canyon may exist under the ice of the south polar continent, carved by water.

Pluto Is Young

The New Horizons science team is stunned by surface features on Pluto and its large moon Charon that cannot be billions of years old.

Geologists Have Underestimated Catastrophes

One Colorado storm in 2013 caused hundreds or thousands of years' worth of mountain erosion. This is causing a rethink on the power of catastrophic events.

Geology Upset: Wind Carves Canyons Fast

According to a new study, wind carves canyons ten times faster than water. This has implications for theories on Mars and Earth.

A Niagara-Class Waterfall in Days

Europe's biggest waterfall likely formed catastrophically instead of gradually, a new analysis reveals.

Storm Surge Carries Huge Boulders

A typhoon carried 180-ton rocks 150 feet up a beach—the largest transport recorded in recent times.

Canyons on Earth, Mars Reinterpreted as Flood-Caused

Catastrophic floods formed canyons long thought to have been formed by slow, gradual processes.
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