Deep Time Leads to Absurd Conclusion

The circularity of assuming Darwinism and deep time slams headlong against logic.

Volcanoes Have Greater Impact on Climate than Thought

Scientists know less about geological influences on climate than the popular press claims

Climate Science Is Imprecise

The alarmist warmists ignore papers that keep calling for a "rethink" about carbon sources and sinks.

Climate Models Fail History Test

Can you trust a politically-sensitive science that doesn't know history?

Climate Hysteria Goes Far Beyond the Science

The behavior of scientists, the media, and individuals who follow them like groupies tells a lot about the nature of science.

Wood Buried Under Ocean Floor Thousands of Miles at Sea

Wood chips hundreds of feet deep in ocean sediments have been found. How did they get there?

Two Geological Process Ages Collapse

Two processes theoretically assumed to take long ages have been shown they can occur quickly.

Bacteria Rule the Earth

Bacteria are inescapable. They're everywhere. Fortunately, many of them are here for good.

"Extraordinary" Radiocarbon Anomaly Found in Tree Rings

A tree ring sample from a bristlecone pine reveals something weird happened to the sun around 5480 BC.

Coral Islands Rise With Sea Level

Worries about sea-level rise inundating coral atolls and islands are unfounded, thanks to coral's rapid response to change.

Water Theories Dry Up

Theories for how Earth got its water are parched for evidence, except for the tears of secular astronomers.

Carbon Cycle Keeps Earth from Fate of Venus, Mars

Another delicate balance making Earth habitable has been identified: the carbon cycle.
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