Evolutionary Timescales Require Ridiculous Migrations

Which position has more problems in biogeography, creation or evolution? Look at these tales before deciding.

Silly Darwin Stories Do No Good

Darwinists cannot confirm anything in their stories, and even if they could, so what?

Good Fossils, But Where's the Evolution?

They're millions of years old, evolutionists say, but these fossils look like things you could find around town.

So Where's the Evolution?

When you go looking for evolution and find stasis, has Darwin been falsified?

How Explanatory Is Evolutionary Theory?

Darwinians make big boasts about their theory as the central organizing principle in biology, but what does it actually explain?

"Extreme Convergence" Strains Credibility of Darwinism

When completely unrelated animals or plants display the same engineering solution, is it reasonable to assume a blind, unguided process of selection achieved improbable outcomes multiple times? Is calling it "convergent evolution" meaningful? Here are three examples.
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