Whoops; Tooth Date Is at Least 750% Off

It's amazing how wrong evolutionists can be without batting an eye. Errors this large should be a firing offense.

Surprising Fossils: Land Dinosaurs

Ask if these fossils support millions of years of evolution, or a more recent Biblical timeframe with a creation and flood view of life.

Geology: Bold Steps in Self-Deception

It's possible to collect clues that suggest your model is working, all while heading off in the wrong direction.

Dead Sea Salt Cave Is Longest of Its Kind

Cave explorers have determined that a passageway inside a mountain of salt in Israel is the longest salt cave in the world.

Darwin’s Fantasy Cave

Paleoanthropologists' unshakeable faith in Darwin and millions of years forces them into an absurd scenario.

Oldest Animal Cave Painting Baffles Evolutionary Anthropologists

How did cave art of animals appear on opposite sides of the world at the same time? What’s being called the oldest cave painting of an animal has been dated by evolutionary anthropologists at a minimum of 40,000 years old. The baffling thing is that similar cave art in Europe dates to roughly the same […]

Brain of Homo Naledi Estimated

The intriguing hominid fossils from a South African cave make news again. This time, the discoverer and a team of anthropologists learn more about the brains of these creatures. Were they people? In 2013, the world was shocked to hear of bones of Homo deep within the Rising Star Cave system in South Africa. Bones […]

Homo naledi Is Young

The media are abuzz with disappointment that this cache of bones in South Africa is too young to be a missing link. Homo naledi is one of the most astonishing “hominin” fossil finds in recent years, on par with the “hobbits” (Homo floresiensis) of Indonesia. Debates have gone wild since Lee Berger announced hundreds of […]

Ancient DNA Recovered from Caves

New techniques are allowing scientists to extract ancient DNA from cave soil. But is it really as old as claimed?

Cave Climate Conclusions Compromised

Widely used to infer past climates, isotope measurements from stalactites and stalagmites in caves can mislead researchers.

Latest Fossils: Dinosaurs, Whales and More

Here's a quick survey of news about fossils, including remains of some monstrous creatures and a tiny one, too.

Neanderthals Underestimated Again

Neanderthals show mental creativity for too long a period to support the evolutionary timeline.

Darwin Can't Win for Losing

Progress must be made with gains, not losses.

Stuff Geologists Think They Know Till Tomorrow

The science of geology is like quicksand, ever shifting and not rock solid.

Antique Homo Claims Threatened by New Bones

The number of potential overhauls in thinking from this thigh bone in China is staggering.
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