Adventuring for Fake Science

Researchers can go to extreme lengths to gather data for evolutionary studies, but that doesn't make it all useless.

Two if By Sea: Earliest Americans Boated Down the Coast

The textbook theory of the first migration to the Americas across a land bridge is "dead in the water."
Death Valley superbloom 2016

Death Valley Comes Alive

As if resurrected from the dead, forgotten seeds burst forth in a celebration of life in the hottest place on earth.

Surprising Animals Old and New

Moving creatures, whether extant or extinct, never cease to hold fascination for human observers.

Instant Islands and Ecology

A new volcanic island near Japan recalls the rapid colonization of Iceland's Surtsey island in 1963.

Platypus Dinosaur: A Vegetarian T. Rex

A new dinosaur from Chile is as unbelievable as the first reported platypus was to English zoologists: a crazy mix of animals.

Orbital Ice Age Theory Melts

Orbital cycles do not cause ice ages, a new study suggests. Instead, the whole world experienced an ice age at the same time.

Geology Upset: Wind Carves Canyons Fast

According to a new study, wind carves canyons ten times faster than water. This has implications for theories on Mars and Earth.

What's a Hairy Wood Ant Good For?

A humble, rare ant might help humans learn how to communicate better with networks. It's just one of many ways nature is inspiring technology that approaches perfection.

Whale Fossils: Challenge or Support for Evolution?

When most fossils consist of small shelly creatures, finding a whale is indeed big news. Two whale fossil discoveries on opposite sides of the world are spectacular and puzzling. Do they support the theory that whales evolved from land mammals?
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