Archive: Ape Archaeology, Cat Psychology, Old DNA, and a Bridge

From May 2002, these articles are still informative and sometimes funny.

The Science of Being Wrong

In a process of continual correction, when does one get to certainty?

Not Funny: The Evolution of Humor

If humor is just an evolutionary behavioral artifact, why laugh?

Pat-a-Pan: Chimp-Bonobo Myth Debunked

Everyone has been told that chimps are aggressive and bonobos are cooperative. It's not true.

Evolutionists Should Embrace Their Inner Gorilla

The Tarzan Movement would be ideal for evolutionists wanting to fulfill their destiny.

Evolutionists Try to Get Language from Ape Grunts

Vocalization without conceptualization: can you speak without thinking?

Hummingbirds and Humans Evolved by Mistake

To believe this evolutionary tale, one must accept that a genetic mistake created our beloved backyard acrobats.

How to Do a Survey and Get Wrong Results

New survey claims nationality and household income are more influential than religion in rejecting evolution.

Hot Chimps! No Evolution Here

What does a new study about savanna chimpanzees say about evolution? Anything the evolutionists want it to say.

Why Don’t Humans Have Tails?

A major anatomical change in primate anatomy cannot be explained by evolutionary genetics.

Evolutionary Advice on the Pandemic Is Not Helpful

Darwin is trying to sneak into the discussion on how to stay well during the coronavirus epidemic.

Musical Response in Animals Proves Evolution

Breaking Discovery: Chimps Swaying to Music Proves Evolution! — But Birds Sway to Music so Did We Evolve From Them?

Secular Scientists Prefer Humans Extinct

At a recent panel, scientists doubted whether it would be a good idea to revive the human species if it went extinct.

Is Animal Play Just an Evolutionary Survival Mechanism?

Your dog enjoys play, and so do birds, dolphins and many other kinds of animals, but how did "having fun" evolve?

Monkey Raspberries Created Speech

What was this evolutionist thinking when he proposed that human language evolved out of the lip smacking and buzzing sounds made by monkeys?
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