Ape and Human Y Chromosomes Compared

New genetic differences attributed to evolution, but evolutionary bias ignores designed function.

150 Years of Darwin’s Dangerous Book

The 150th anniversary of the most dangerous book ever published: Darwin’s racism and sexism is now acknowledged.

Seeing Cells Is Seeing Complex Organization

Darwin and Haeckel would never have dreamed of the complex specified information to be found in "protoplasm."

Big Science Tracks Political Correctness

So much for objectivity. Take any social cause that is politically correct, and you can count on Big Science to endorse it, and to condemn the Christian or conservative view.

Is the Y Chromosome Disappearing?

Some evolutionists claim that the Y chromosome of human males is shrinking and will disappear. Is this true? On what evidence do they make this claim?

Finding More Gifts in the Cellular Stocking

Improving techniques are allowing biochemists to find surprising new things in cells. Here are some recent examples.

More Holes in Evolutionary Theory

Here are three examples of animals not branching out neatly on Darwin's tree like they're supposed to.

Bacteria Share Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance does not "evolve" in a Darwinian way. Rather, a new study shows that bacteria share their genetic information.

Cell's Molecular Machines Arouse Fascination

With increasing image quality at their disposal, biologists are finding amazing molecular machines at work in living cells.

New Attempts to Disparage Maleness

Lab mice can produce offspring with just two genes from their Y chromosomes, but what does that mean for men?

Marvelous Machines That Keep You Running

Here are just a few of the recent reports describing the intricate biological machines on which life depends.

Y's Guys Have a Marvel, Not Junk

The Y chromosome is making a comeback. It's not junk, it's an "evolutionary marvel."
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