Water on the Planetary Science Brain

Hydrocephaly is a physical brain ailment, but hydrobioscopy is a philosophical brain malady.

Theory of Mudstones Evolving Toward Flood Geology

A radical revision of the origin of mudstones in 2014 just got another surprising update favorable to creationists. Old-earthers have long pointed to mudstones as evidence against a young earth. The thinking for a century or more has been that mudstones, like some of the fine-grained strata throughout the southwestern United States, required placid conditions […]

New Theory about the Origin of Life Concludes It’s Magic!

Another new theory about how life could have evolved from simple molecules has now been added to the existing pile of theories.

Amino Acids Unlikely to Survive on Mars

UV radiation quickly degrades amino acids on most Martian minerals, a new study shows.

Stuff Geologists Think They Know Till Tomorrow

The science of geology is like quicksand, ever shifting and not rock solid.

New Craters Found on Mars

Orbiters can count new craters forming on Mars, refining cratering rates. One spectacular new crater has appeared since 2010 with vivid rays.

Evolutionary Origin-of-Life Speculations Contradict Each Other

Good scientific approaches should converge on the truth. In secular origin-of-life studies, theories run off in all directions, often crashing into one another.

Astrobiology: The Science of Could

Anything "could" happen. Shouldn't science deal with what does happen and what did happen? The "could" word is rampant in astrobiology literature and origin-of-life studies.

Crystal Mysticism Invades Astrobiology

Mystical ideas about the life-giving power of crystals usually go with New Age movies and storefronts.  Science is above all that, right?  Then what is a reader supposed to think of this opening line by Leslie Mullen on One of the greatest mysteries about the origin of life is how the necessary ingredients consistently […]

Geology Sinks in the Mud

Question: what is the most abundant sedimentary rock in the world?  Follow-up question: what would happen to the science of geology if the consensus theory of how this most abundant sedimentary rock was deposited turns out to be wrong?  Prepare for a paradigm shift: experiments have shown mistakes in long-held assumptions about mudstone formation. Here’s […]
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