Climate Change Causes Space Aliens

It's past time to reconsider the presumptive authority of scientific consensus.
Dave Scott and Jim Irwin in "Hadley Rille" by Alan Bean

Moon and Mars Puzzle Geologists

"Young" features have no clear explanation, leaving scientists baffled.

Rubberduck Reporters Gullible to Science Shamans

Science reporters regurgitate whatever scientists say about things they cannot possibly know.

Climate Change: What the Science Says

The popular media is not giving the whole story.

Green Greenland Was Good

Climatologists worry about Greenland melting, but plants thrived there before.

Models Are Not Facts

Scientists rely on computer models, but are some of them creating fake illusions of reality?

AAAS Tries to Influence Elections

Farewell to unbiased science. The AAAS goes political. You know what that means.

Corrupt Big Science Needs to Clean House

The picture of institutional science as the paragon of objectivity is gone.

The Stuff Happens Law in Geology

"Then something happened," say geologists who weren't there and didn't witness anything.

Footprints in the Quicksands of Deep Time

The human footprints are real. Deep time is not.

Climate Blindfolds and Hypocrisy

The scare about greenhouse gases evaporates when considering what leftist governments did in Sept 2022.

Evolution vs Climate

Let global warming come. There's nothing you can do about it. Evolution will take care of it, or not.

COP28 vs Science

The UN climate conference is making world-shattering decisions based on questionable scientific inference.

Big Science Has Lost Its Way

Ruled by leftist academicians and globalists, scientific institutions have betrayed the public.

Scientism Moves into Speculative Fantasyland

Abandoning rigor, the Big Science Cartel and its promoters in the media turn goofy.
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