Climate Change: What the Science Says

The popular media is not giving the whole story.

Models Are Not Facts

Scientists rely on computer models, but are some of them creating fake illusions of reality?

Species Diversification Still an Evolutionary Puzzle

A look at another failed attempt by evolutionists to explain the origin of species.

Evolution vs Climate

Let global warming come. There's nothing you can do about it. Evolution will take care of it, or not.

James Tour Is On a Roll

Saving the planet while demolishing Darwinism, this Christian chemist is blazing a new trail of beneficial science.

Every Species Is an Invasive Species

Darwinism has no answers to ecological problems. It's time to bring back the Genesis Mandate.

Scientists: Often Wrong, Rarely Humble

What other career allows one to be totally wrong but proud of it?

Biogeography: Whose Problem?

Don't think that evolutionists are immune from vexing questions about where species have dispersed.

Life Regulates Earth’s Climate

Climate modelers did not take into account biology. The earth has automatic mechanisms to regulate climate.

Oceans Mitigate Global Warming

New findings show that our ocean, and the unique molecule—water—are designed to ameliorate climate catastrophes.

2022 Year in Review

Here is a list of the most visited articles in Creation-Evolution Headlines in 2022.

Beavers Mitigate Global Warming

Beavers provide a natural feedback that protects water quality downstream, scientists find.

Weekend Climate Reader

Research on climate does not always match political hype.

How to Keep Titan Old Despite Evidence

Cassini's finding of a mostly dry Titan falsified expectations. But secularists refuse to give up on their beloved billions of years.

Politicians Overplay Climate Science

With hype exploding around the internet, there has never been a bigger need to understand the limitations of science.
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