Darwinists Unhappy About Trump Fetal-Tissue Ban

Darwinism cheapens human life. Here's a huge societal debate about the consequences.

Leftist Takeover of Science Continues

Nothing in science requires a scientific institution to take the liberal position on everything. Quite the opposite: science relies on traditional values.

Secular Science Leaders Defend Baby Butchering

Instead of joining the outrage against the dismemberment and marketing of baby body parts, science leaders rush to defend the grisly practice.

Adult Stem Cells Beat Clones

In a contest to see which are better, induced pluripotent stem cells proved just as good as clones. More stem cell news follows.

Secularists Adrift with Embryonic Ethics

From stem cells to genetically-modified embryos, technology is outpacing ethical rules, and secular ethicists are at a loss what to endorse.

Mad Scientists Poised on the Slippery Slope

Stem cells can do good or harm, depending on their source. When scientists think themselves above ethics, watch out.

Depending on Source, Stem Cells Can Kill or Heal

Stem cells continue to show promise for dramatic healings, but reporters don't always clarify what lived or died to produce the cells. Adult stem cells inhabit all living humans; embryonic or fetal stem cells require a human death.

Human Cloning Is Back

If you thought work on human cloning and embryonic stem cell research went out of style with the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells, watch out. The pro-cloning people, who never lost their lust for toying with human embryos, are back.
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