Archive: Arctic Dinosaurs, Hearing, Birds, Multiverse, Caveman Diet, School Boards, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in early February 2002, restored from archives.

Our Senses Did Not Evolve

Despite what evolutionists say, our bodies with their amazing senses are the work of a designing intelligence par excellence.

Extreme Fine Tuning in Body Cells, Part I

Here are just two examples of an ultra-fine balance between function and disease inside the cells of our body's sensory cells (Part 1 of 2).

More Wonders to Be Thankful For

Things going on in your body should put believers in chance to shame. Read and be awestruck.

“Y” Your Inner Ear Hears So Well

A new paper about the inner ear shows an additional level of organization and architecture that increases sensitivity and frequency discrimination.

Let Your Mind Marvel at Its Brain

Amazing processes go on in the physical brain that most of our minds do not even know about.

The Mind and Brain: Evolved or Created?

Evolutionists take swipes at saying the most complex matter in the universe is a product of blind, aimless processes of nature.

Mental Marvels

The "mind-body problem" is alive and well. Can these phenomena be reduced to matter in motion?

The Parts List for Hearing

Want to hear what goes on when you hear sounds? Hair cells wave in the fluid, responding to specific frequencies, and hundreds of proteins go into action.

The Machinery Behind the Senses

There's a lot of physical work our eyes, ears, and brain cells perform to support our perceptions of the world.

Animals Overcome Limitations of Physics

The limits of human engineering have been overcome by animals in surprising ways worth imitating.

Body Wonders You Didn't Know About

Here's a collection of new findings about the body that should make us all stand in awe of what our Creator has provided.

What's a Hairy Wood Ant Good For?

A humble, rare ant might help humans learn how to communicate better with networks. It's just one of many ways nature is inspiring technology that approaches perfection.

Remarkable Cell Processes That Keep You Alive

Within the factories of molecular machines that run living cells, including those in the human body, processes occur non-stop that are designed to meet every contingency. Here are just a few examples.

Your Senses Awe Scientists

The ear, the eye, the nose, and the mind itself continue to display wondrous capabilities.
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