Friday Funnies: Darwin Groaners

It's been a hard week. Let's unwind a little with laughter at what the Darwinians are saying these days.

Positive Selection Is a Myth

Evolutionists have been bluffing with math about signals of positive natural selection in the genes. They were wrong.

Cells Optimize Their Tasks

The key to design in manufacturing is optimization – hitting the “sweet spot” between competing interests. It’s not always possible to have all the elements of a product be ideal. A laptop computer, for instance, can’t have an extra-large monitor and simultaneously have long battery life and compact design. A muscle car cannot be expected to have the best gas mileage. In the heyday of “faster, better, cheaper” spacecraft, engineers often joked, “pick any two.” In the same way, living cells have to optimize their operations. A couple of recent papers explore how they find that sweet spot.
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