Is Evolution Destroying Modern Medicine?

Impersonal health care is a symptom of a Darwinian worldview.

Easter Inspiration

Illustra's short film on Psalm 23 makes a great souvenir of Easter.

On the Origin of Speciesism, Part 2

Policies against "speciesism" would effectively end civilization as we know it. Citizens must be informed about this new "ism" from secular science.

Can Science Analyze Wisdom?

A sociologist finds that wise people age better. But first, she has to know what wisdom is.

Character Flaws Give Big Science Woes

The days when science journals could be trusted have become clouded. Maybe the sun never shined anyway.

Can Unbelievers Really Be Happy? – Commentary

The previous entry described coping mechanisms used by unbelievers to deal with 'uncreatedness' and crisis. Let's think about them.

Keep Darwinism Out of Pandemic Response

Two Darwinians inject "survival of the fittest" into the current crisis. So if the virus kills a patient, is it the fittest?

More Upsets in Human Evolution

If you like scientific truths that become untrue every year or month, join the paleoanthropology guild.

Why Awe Is Uniquely Human

Psychologists are noticing that a sense of awe makes you a better person. Why is it a uniquely human trait?

Does Character Count?

Evolutionists try to make everything about human nature a product of an unguided, naturalistic ancestry. Then why have sermons or seminars on doing the right thing?
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