Early Man How to Be a Sapiens, Not Just a Homo June 10, 2024 Darwinism cheapens human life, making us pawns of impersonal, uncaring forces. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolution vs Climate January 4, 2024 Let global warming come. There's nothing you can do about it. Evolution will take care of it, or not. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionary Rates Vary by Millions October 31, 2022 When an organism changes rapidly, that's evolution. When an organism never changes for millions of years, that's evolution. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionists Justify Infanticide June 23, 2022 When your starting assumption is, "Whatever exists evolved," you can rationalize any atrocity as normal. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Making People Drunk for Science June 23, 2021 Even if declared legal, ethical and transparent with participant approval, there are things scientists should not do. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Scientists Affirm Gender Is Binary March 11, 2020 Despite all the talk of gender fluidity and toxic masculinity, reality affirms what we all know. CONTINUE READING
Media Junk Darwinism Clutters Science November 25, 2019 If an objective English teacher read a typical science paper, she would cross out the Darwinese as deadwood that adds nothing. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Human Body Capabilities Uncovered October 17, 2019 More surprises about the body come to light, including the ability to regrow cartilage. CONTINUE READING
Early Man More Confusion in Human Ev-Illusion August 8, 2018 They can no longer say "everything you know is wrong" when nothing they thought they knew was right in the first place. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Natural Selection: The Ideology of Conflict September 20, 2017 A survivor of a communist country describes the ideology of conflict he witnessed and the strife it created. But have Darwinians learned their lesson? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution How Many More Anomalies Can Darwinism Take? February 11, 2017 Darwinism survives not because it is empirically verified, but because it is a deduction from a tightly-held materialistic worldview. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin and Malthus Were Wrong: Cooperation Is Key to Evolution May 13, 2016 The statements in a new conceptual model of evolution undermine the whole rationale for Social Darwinism. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Anti-Darwinian Observations Require New Stories April 23, 2016 Here are new findings that contradict traditional neo-Darwinian theory. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Sexual Selection Tossed Again January 30, 2016 150 years of speculation about "female mate choice" doesn't hold up under observation of fruit fly behavior. CONTINUE READING
Botany Plant Brains Solve Problems January 8, 2016 Without a physical brain or nervous system, plants know how to get about in place. CONTINUE READING