Should Big Science Blame the Public for Mistrust?

Look at what Big Science is doing. Then ask if the public is right to be wary of their claims.

Making People Drunk for Science

Even if declared legal, ethical and transparent with participant approval, there are things scientists should not do.

Science Findings Can Be Counter-Intuitive

It takes honesty and courage to report findings that don't make sense or go against "common knowledge."

Research on Embryonic Stem Cells Takes Dangerous Turns

They say they seek understanding for our good, but some scientific practices are not ethically justifiable.

Elitism Makes Evolutionary Psychologists Neurotic

'The public is out to destroy rationality, and we must save the planet from stupidity!' Elitists need to look in the mirror.

More Criticisms Raised Against Psycho-Science

Are psychology and psychotherapy losing their minds? Claims of their scientific validity are under fire (again).

Big Science Sullies Its Reputation

The public will lose confidence in science if its institutions continue to side with the political left.

Big Science Joins US Democrat Party Campaign

Science journals and reporters—even those outside the US—position themselves to defeat Trump and elect Clinton to promote their leftist causes.

Peer Review Is Unscientific

A reviewer of peer review says our reverence for the practice borders on mysticism, not science.

You Can Trust Scientists (to Be Fallible)

With theory overturns like these, one gets to wonder about the privileged status of scientists in our culture.

Science Journalism Disseminates Propaganda

The current methods of science news reporting don't educate; they indoctrinate.

You Should Trust Scientists (To Be Fallible)

Public trust in scientists exceeds their trustworthiness, experts warn.

"Evidence-Based" Findings May Not Be

Patients are encouraged to seek only "evidence-based" treatments for disease, but a look behind the scenes of clinical trials reveals some of the same human foibles that plague any science: shortcomings in honesty and transparency.

Scientific Ethics Concerns Rising

For an enterprise as secular and materialistic as science, there's a lot of talk about morality these days.

Objectivity of Science Undermined

Science has no boast if not objective. It is objectivity that supposedly sets science apart from all other modes of inquiry: following a “scientific method” that guarantees objective truth about the natural world. Results are reported in peer-reviewed journals that weed out mistaken ideas. After publication, other scientists can replicate any published results, making science a self-correcting process that refines its objectivity over time. Most insiders and philosophers know that the picture is highly flawed, but the vision persists that science is objective. Recent articles raise awareness of some of the problems with the portrayal of scientific objectivity.
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