Archive Classic: The Evolution of War and the War of Evolution

Our 20-year-old entry shows that leftist political bias has long been part and parcel of evolutionary storytelling.

A House Divided: Learning from Lincoln

This is not the only time America was divided. Lincoln faced a blood war of brother against brother. His solution is relevant today.

Darwinism Animalizes Human Values

What could be more noble than striving for peace and avoiding conflict? Well, now the Darwinians say that peacemaking evolved by natural selection, too.

Natural Selection: The Ideology of Conflict

A survivor of a communist country describes the ideology of conflict he witnessed and the strife it created. But have Darwinians learned their lesson?

The Politics of Happiness

Sometimes scientists get it right, and sometimes they get it wrong. Humans are too complex to fit pet theories, but even scientists can notice what works.
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