Sea Cucumbers Save Corals

The "Roombas of the Sea" help create a clean habitat for coral reefs and their customers.

Darwin’s Flawed Atoll Theory Still Taught

Rice University says Darwin’s theory of the slow buildup of coral atolls is “fatally flawed.” Study: Darwin’s theory about coral reef atolls is fatally flawed (Rice University). Darwin investigated other questions than evolution, such as the nature of barnacles, pigeons and things, but they all attempted to promote views of long ages and the gradual […]

Unaccountable Fear-mongering Must Stop

Some activist scientists make predictions they could never prove, scaring the public. They must be held accountable.

Geological Processes Can Be Rapid

For those trained to think in millions of years, these geological processes should sound surprising.

“It Evolved” Is Not an Explanation

A Darwinian can stare at evidence for intelligent design all day and conclude, without batting an eye, "evolution did it." Look at these examples.

Evolutionists Rattled Over Battle for Earliest Animal

If the latest salvo in a long-standing Darwin debate hits, then the idea of evolution growing more complex with time suffers a big blow.

Seamounts: No Speciation Here, Mate

These isolated habitats should be ideal labs for studying Darwin's origin of species, but the evidence just isn't there.

More Holes in Evolutionary Theory

Here are three examples of animals not branching out neatly on Darwin's tree like they're supposed to.

Fire and Brimstone: Why Earth Isn't Like Venus

Both planets have abundant sulfur, but Earth life has a way of cycling it for good.

Coral Islands Rise With Sea Level

Worries about sea-level rise inundating coral atolls and islands are unfounded, thanks to coral's rapid response to change.

Learn How to Operate Your Body

You have built-in machinery and software that's beyond your awareness. Here are ways to enlist your equipment for better health.

Mantis Shrimp Baffles Evolutionists

Stomatopods, popularly known as mantis shrimp, possess several unique abilities that defy evolution.

Secrets of Three Amazing Animals Unveiled

Here are accounts of three very different animals whose behaviors have baffled scientists till now. Scientists are beginning to get at least partial answers for scientific mysteries by carefully observing and testing to see how things work.

Adventures in Biomimetics

The imitation of nature in engineering has become one of the hottest trends in science. Almost every week, amazing technologies are being advanced the easy way – by observing how living things do it. We all stand to benefit from the design-based science of biomimetics. Here are a few recent examples.
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