Human Body Astronauts Leave Earth at Their Peril November 3, 2022 Human bodies can survive in space for awhile. The damage adds up over time. CONTINUE READING
Physics Why Magnetic Field Decay Matters October 2, 2019 Earth's magnetic field is vital for life, but it is decaying. To keep it going billions of years, evolutionists gloss over facts. CONTINUE READING
Solar System The Moon Kills Visitors January 16, 2019 China's experiment to grow plants on the moon failed in one day. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods "Extraordinary" Radiocarbon Anomaly Found in Tree Rings January 19, 2017 A tree ring sample from a bristlecone pine reveals something weird happened to the sun around 5480 BC. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Only Earth Is a Life Haven June 23, 2016 Here are more discoveries that make it reasonable to think complex life is rare in the universe, and might be unique to Earth. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Amino Acids Unlikely to Survive on Mars June 9, 2016 UV radiation quickly degrades amino acids on most Martian minerals, a new study shows. CONTINUE READING
Geology Giant Rockfall Enlarged Zion Canyon Recently May 28, 2016 Within Bronze Age dates, a cataclysmic landslide enlarged Zion Canyon, forming a large lake. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Why Chernobyl Neighbors Are Not Dying April 21, 2016 Surprising scientists, both people and animals are doing OK around the world's worst nuclear accident site. CONTINUE READING
Physics Natural Light Shows Dazzle Scientists July 3, 2015 Here are some news stories from diverse fields of science, related only by the phenomenon of light. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Astrobiology Hopes Diminish December 6, 2014 Recent findings both near and far create challenges for beliefs that life is common in the universe. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Of Stars and Significance September 30, 2014 The farther out we look, the more questions we have. But does secular astronomy ask the right questions? CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Cosmic Lottery: How Many Habitable Planets? November 23, 2013 News media ran with a suggestion that one in five stars has a habitable planet, but they didn't read the fine print. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy A Brain Wouldn't Survive Star Travel January 6, 2013 Don't take a star trek unless you want to arrive demented. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Two Studies May Indicate Problems for Vast Ages December 1, 2012 Two articles in secular science literature point to possible upsets in long-age assumptions for the earth and mankind. CONTINUE READING
Health Mars Radiation May Not Be That Bad November 18, 2012 Data from the Curiosity rover's RAD instrument seem to indicate astronauts could survive radiation reaching the surface. CONTINUE READING