Mars Youth Shows in New Study

The basis for believing Mars is billions of years old and had oceans like the Earth comes under fire in a new study.

Our Moon Refuses to Obey Scientists

The neat theories for the origin of the moon and its subsequent evolution unravel when you try to stuff long ages into a young body.

Counting Craters: Bad Assumptions Undermine Reliability

A new chronology of Earth/moon history reaches conclusions that are so assumption-ridden as to be worthless.

Lightning Fries Impact Theory

A signature in rock that was thought to come from extraterrestrial impacts could have been caused by plain old lightning. “Impact Geologists, Beware!” That’s the headline of a short paper in Geophysical Research Letters by H. J. Melosh of Purdue. His subtitle is, “A Cautionary Tale for Impact Geologists.”  Why the alarm? Another “proxy” for […]

Lyell Loses in a Landslide

Politics is on the minds of Americans today. Landslides are turning geological votes away from Lyell's uniformitarianism toward catastrophism.

Finding Dinosaurs Is Not the Same as Explaining Them

What's turning up in dinosaur digs around the world? Bones, footprints and speculations.

Moon Just Got 100-fold Younger

New study of craters shows that moon's surface gets churned every 81,000 years, not every million years.

Why Astronomers Hammer Planets

Secular planetary scientists have a skeleton key that unlocks any planetary mystery: the BFH.

Mars Life Hopes Reduced

Key assumptions about habitability on Mars have fallen, but astrobiologists try to keep hope alive.

Titan Takes the Age Stage

Saturn's giant moon has prompted a flurry of new science papers. Can anyone keep it billions of years old?

Ceres Shows Serious Youth

The latest high-resolution images from asteroid Ceres show "mysteries" including surprisingly young features.

Mars Life Would Spit Out the Water

Finding minimal amounts of salty water contaminated with perchorates is not helpful to life.

Where Are the Earth's Impact Craters?

The number of impact craters on Earth is almost negligible compared to Mars and the moon. Can erosion explain this?

Solar System Puzzles Needing Explanation

Here are some of the latest observations that are baffling planetary scientists.

Geology Sale

We need to clear the deck of geology news. Here's a garage sale of interesting headlines, provided "as is" for researchers to pursue further.
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