Archive: Moon, Cannibalism, Stem Cells, Religious Doubts, Censorship

These 23-year-old stories from CEH showcase the variety of subjects we have reported on since our first year.

Archive: Spider Webs, Cave Art, Chili, Prayer, Cicadas, Mars

This collection of archived articles from July 2001 will stimulate a variety of emotions.

How to Survive as a Creationist in Science

Stay in the closet and accept evolution as God’s method of creation.

Twisting Evidence Against Evolution Into Evidence For Evolution

Freed from serious critique by non-Darwinists, evolutionists can twist any data into support for their Darwinist ideology.

Ignoring the Sauropod in the Room

Evolutionists continue to ignore dinosaur soft tissue as they pontificate about fossilization.

2023 in Review

Thanks to all who have supported CEH. Here are highlights from 2023. Reporting will resume on Jan. 2.

Ministry Spotlight: David Rives

This organization offers an impressive amount of content and continues to grow.

Some Thoughts About Everything

How some super intelligence could create such complex but simple things is absolutely amazing to this veteran NASA pioneer.

Science Condemns Co-Inventor of the Transistor

Another racist called out for his racism yet Charles Darwin, one of the most influential racists in history, gets a pass.

JWST Finds Un-Big-Banged Galaxies

Astronomers were surprised to find disk galaxies older than they should be.

It All Starts With Creation

An editorial after the November 8, 2022 election.

Pathogens Devolved

They're calling it evolution, but it's easier to be a freeloader than an independent organism.

Unusual Things to Be Thankful For

It's Thanksgiving Day in America. Here are some things to add as you count your blessings.

Junk DNA Concept Is Mostly Dead

Has the term “junk DNA” finally been buried for good? It's been decreasing, from 98.5 % originally to close to 0 percent now.

Cannabis Use Linked to Mental Disorders

Marijuana use linked to schizophrenia: why would God create a harmful plant?
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