How to Survive as a Creationist in Science

Stay in the closet and accept evolution as God’s method of creation.

Can Transgender Views Be Defended from Genesis?

If one's interpretation of Genesis leads to the idea that males can get pregnant, something has gone very wrong in hermeneutics.

“Darwin’s Heir” Redefined Human Behavior

More admissions of the Darwinian racism of scientists. The growing list now includes E.O. Wilson.

Junk DNA Goes the Way of the Vestigial Organs Myth

Yet another study finds that “Junk DNA” has a critical role in mammals.

Scientific American Prints Big Lies

Does white supremacy motivate rejection of evolution? Time to set the record straight!

Press Goes Ape Over ID Supporter’s Appointment

  Intolerant Darwinists Show Their True Colors, Piling On Vituperative Rhetoric by Jerry Bergman, PhD The headline of the most respected American scientific journal, Science, speaks volumes: “Brazil’s pick of a creationist [Benedito Guimarães Aguiar Neto] to lead its higher education agency rattles scientists.”[1] Starting with the first line, the article was inaccurate, stating the […]

Anti-Christian Bias in Academia Is Real

A Peer-Reviewed Study Proved What We Have Always Known: Creationists are Subject to Major Discrimination in Academia.

Creationists Let Facts Speak for Themselves in Mainstream Science Publication

Creation scientists add to our understanding of complex operations in the enzymes of cells.

Famous Geneticist Tells NIH that Humans Are Going Extinct

The facts of genetics make it clear even to evolutionists: “We are dying” and “More death by selection will not work."

A Look at College Indoctrination into Darwinism

A glimpse at how Darwinian professors intimidate, demean and punish students for their religious beliefs, exemplified by a rabid evolutionary professor at Ohio State.

Creation vs Evolution: The Bombardier Beetle Challenge

Bombardier beetles made the news again this week. Creation scientists have long used them to challenge evolutionary theory. Can the Darwinians fight back?

The Flying Giraffe and Other Fossil Stories of Extinct Reptiles

Imagine a giraffe leaping into the air and flying off. That's what this giant pterosaur was like. Other interpretations about extinct reptiles are not so certain.

Universities Ban Discussion of Creation by Speakers, Students

Abridgement of speech—as part of the political correctness movement—is now epidemic at universities, where the only religion tolerated is Darwinism.

Evolutionist Strategy for Creation Event: Ignore, Fear, Block

A little creation event at a university has the evolutionists in a tizzy.

Atheists Usually Prosper Over Creationists in the Media

With rare exceptions, atheists get the edge in media coverage over creationists.
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