More Fossils Show Stasis, Not Evolution

Where's the evolution? In these creatures, fossils show complex parts already working.

Evolution as a Magic Wand

Natural selection is the most creative force in the universe, Darwinists believe. It does anything evolutionists want.

What a Croc: Punk-Eek Invoked for Crocodile Evolution

Evolution is fast except when it is slow. It explains all, including why crocodiles are largely unchanged for 200 mya.

Darwinists Build Fake Phylogenetic Trees

No matter what kinds of organisms they study, Darwinists run into trouble by trying to prove common ancestry.

Evolutionists Connect Dinosaur Dots with Puny Fossil

Leaping lizards! Evolutionists make extravagant case for ancestor of dinosaur and birds based on widely distant, unique fossils.

Science News Reporters Act Like Echo Bots

Where are the bold reporters who investigate quack claims? They're gone. They all quack together like rubber ducks.

Natural Selection Is Catnip to Darwinians

The words put them in a state of euphoria, dreaming they have explained something when all they have said is "stuff happens."

Vegetarian Crocodiles?

Now you've heard everything. Evolutionists say several groups of extinct crocodiles "evolved" a vegan lifestyle.

Darwinists Imagine Feathered Crocodiles

Fuzz has been found on a pterosaur. That's not news. But split ends on some fibers are electrifying the evolutionary imagination.

Do These Fossils Show Evolution?

Before taking an evolutionist's word for it that a fossil organism evolved, we should look at the evidence.

Manipulating Fossils to Fit Evolution

No matter how unusual a fossil appears, evolutionists will find a way to fit it into their favorite Darwin narrative, or else will ignore the non-Darwinian implications.

The Dinosaurs That Didn’t Evolve

Everyone is understandably fascinated by dinosaurs, but we must separate the empirical facts of their nature from evolutionary stories told about them.

Evolutionists Rattled Over Battle for Earliest Animal

If the latest salvo in a long-standing Darwin debate hits, then the idea of evolution growing more complex with time suffers a big blow.

Darwin Follies and Fallacies, Part Three

It's hard to know where to stop with examples of Darwinian nonsense. For evolutionists, it's like April Fool every day. These are just some of the recent examples.

How the Dragon Got Its Beard

Scales are not feathers are not hair, but evolutionary tales get hairy sometimes.
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