Common Birds Astound Scientists

Look at some denizens of your garden or town and be amazed.

Raven Tells Darwin “Nevermore”

Was there ever a more useless jargon generator than Darwinian evolution?

Junk Darwinism Clutters Science

If an objective English teacher read a typical science paper, she would cross out the Darwinese as deadwood that adds nothing.

The Mind-Body Problem Has Not Been Solved by Naturalism

Several news stories bring back the issue of mind-body dualism with a vengeance.

Darwin Report Card: How Useful Is Evolutionary Theory?

We examine numerous articles and papers that talk about evolution to see if neo-Darwinism (or even old Darwinism) actually contributes to the understanding of nature.

Bird Brain Is a Compliment

Birds are as smart as apes, even though long separated in ancestral time according to Darwin.

Hi-Tech Human Brain Better Than Thought

The capacity of the human brain is stunning. We should use it more.

Amazing Birds

Birds never cease to astound us with their grace in the air and cheery songs, because they exhibit design at many levels.

How to Respect a Crow

They're black and noisy, but the more you learn about crows, the more you will appreciate them—or at least respect them as you shoo them from your scarecrow.

Birds Go Splat on Evolutionary Theories

A flock of surprising traits of birds has dropped a load on simplistic notions of evolution.

News from the Birds for People

We still have a lot to learn from birds. They're really smart and talented for their size.

Bizarre Animal Discoveries

Strange things have been coming to light about animals we knew and animals we didn't; bizarre animals, and normal animals with bizarre traits.

News for the Birds

Our amazing feathered friends range from tiny hummingbirds to fast-running ostriches, from penguins to pigeons. In both living and fossil forms, they provide endless opportunities for study and fascination. Here are a few recent examples of news for the birds, in both good and bad connotations of the phrase.
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