On Gender Issues, Atheists Devour Their Own

The facts of biology force evolutionists to agree with the Bible . . . at least in one case.

Archive: CEH Reports the Week of 9/11

Reporting continued from California after Washington was hit, but the terror attack caused much food for thought.

Science Goes with the Cultural Flow

The Easter Island revision shows how science myths can track cultural values.

What Did Neanderthals Think About?

The Neanderthal mind explored: research shows that Neanderthals were our physical and mental brothers and sisters.

Did Humans Get Language by Mistake?

The origin of language still baffles evolutionists. The newest theory: it was a really lucky accident!

Evolutionary Biologists Aghast at Cultural Wokeism

They've suffered the evils of Cancel Culture, but what can they say about it? Culture evolves, too.

On the Evolution of Cuteness

Darwin silliness has reached a new low. A grad student is working on a paper about how evolution makes people watch cat videos.

Friday Funnies: Darwin Groaners

It's been a hard week. Let's unwind a little with laughter at what the Darwinians are saying these days.

Reading: Darwinian Roots of the Culture of Death

This passage by Nancy Pearcey draws the connection between Darwinism and today's culture of death.

Ancient Israeli City Was Already Advanced

One of the earliest archaeological sites ever found in Israel is being described as the 'New York' of its day.

The Extrapolation Fallacy in Evolutionary Storytelling

The assumption of universal common ancestry can lead to absurd scientific reasoning.

Gender PC Tugs at Scientific Objectivity

Hot news! Men and women are different! Watch PC-influenced psychologists commit logical fallacies denying the obvious.

Origin of Agriculture Defies Evolutionary Long Ages

Evolutionists are at a loss to explain why agriculture arose suddenly in many regions relatively recently.

Evolutionists Think Your Brain is a Mistake

No religion teaches a miracle as absurd as the idea that a mutation led to human intelligence.

Darwin Report Card, continued: How Useful Is Evolutionary Theory?

Darwinism is useful in one demonstrable way: it keeps thousands of biologists employed in the business of evidence-free speculation.
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