Archive: PBS Evolution, Media Bias, Ant Feet, Comets, More

The week of CEH's 1st Anniversary, we were debugging and debunking evolutionary stories presented on public television.

Darwinism Degrades Logic

Materialists like to accuse "people of faith" of pseudoscience. Well, look again.

Evolutionists Try to Explain Away Living Fossils

You can't play word games to deny extreme stasis. You can't say living fossils really are evolving.

Darwin’s Blunder Lives On

A major journal publishes a paper claiming that natural selection is like human engineering.

Magical Thinking by Evolutionists

Natural selection is a magic wand to evolutionists. It creates scientists from fish.

Survival of the Nicest? Now They Tell Us.

Struggle for existence? No; love makes the world go round.

Darwinism Rationalizes Bad Habits

You can't help yourself. You're a victim of selection.

Two-Timers in the Darwin Party

Evolutionary rates vary by seven orders of magnitude. What kind of theory is that?

Fake News: This Fossil Was Painted On

Another fake fossil used to document evolution has been exposed.

Rampant Fraud in Science Grows

The epidemic of fraud in science hits an all-time high.

How to Debunk Darwinian Bunk

These scientists don't even understand their own theory. They personify evolution!

How to Strip Useless Darwinese from Science Articles

It's a bad habit that adds nothing. Acid-wash the Darwinese from science.

The Darwinist Genocide in Tasmania

The extinction of the Tasmanians was another egregious example of the fruits of Darwinism.

New Book on Scopes Trial Exposes Racism

This is the first book documenting the fact that the Scopes Trial was, at its heart, about racism.

Archive: In 2004, Big Science Worried that Democrats Vastly Outnumber Republicans

The journal Science said 19 years ago that the lopsided political views in academia marginalizes conservatives.
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