Mind and Brain We’re Safe from an A.I. Takeover February 14, 2023 Don’t worry. AI is a very long way from replacing humans. It cannot yet do even simple rocket-science projections. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Science Mismeasures Itself July 17, 2021 Blundering along, Big Science creates perverse incentives and ignores its biases while awarding itself happy face stickers. CONTINUE READING
Media Big Science Endorses Storytelling June 16, 2020 Big Science turns to Hollywood for help entertaining people with science narratives. It may be OK at times, but facts must take priority. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Interpretation Must Not Outrun Evidence September 20, 2019 Here's a funny story about scientific interpretation of evidence. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Scientific Data Does Not Interpret Itself September 14, 2019 Here's a funny story about why data must always be interpreted by humans, who are often fallible. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology More Cool Cell Tricks Discovered April 24, 2018 Watching molecular machines at work in living cells should be as fascinating as watching a city through a magnifying glass. CONTINUE READING