Canaanites Were Genetically Distinct

A new study finds that the the Canaanites before the Conquest were a distinct people, as the Bible says.

Ancient Inscriptions Agree with Bible

Names written on pieces of pottery, clay and stone agree not only that Bible characters existed, but confirms the dates they lived.

Radiocarbon Dating Is Not Globally Uniform

Adjustment required for dates in the Levant could undermine published results by decades and impact debates about Biblical chronology.

Biblical Archaeology Scores Three More Confirmations

Artifacts mentioning Biblical names continue to turn up in the lands of the Bible. One announced this week is the talk of the town.

Kingdom of David and Solomon Supported by Growing Evidence

The evidence is coming together to support the Biblical record of David and Solomon. An Israeli publication updates the latest finds.

Copper Mine at Timna Shows Solomon's Power

Continuing discoveries in the Timna Valley in southern Israel near the Gulf of Aqaba show the widespread and dominant influence of Solomon's kingdom.

Massive Wall and Gate Found at Goliath's Hometown

Excavations at Gath confirm Biblical history in multiple ways.

Biblical Name Found on Pottery

An iron-age pot at a fortress south of Jerusalem is inscribed with the name of King Saul's successor at the time of David.

New Archaelogical Findings at Judean Fortress Khirbet Qeiyafa

A hilltop near where David fought Goliath has revealed buildings and artifacts suggestive of royal organization during the time of King David.

Ancient Text Found in Jerusalem from David's Time

Inscriptions are rare but valuable artifacts in archaeology. Though short and simple, a fragmentary inscription on a jug sets a record as the oldest ever found in Jerusalem, from the era of David and Solomon or before.

Jerusalem Cistern Found from First Temple Era

A huge cistern near the Temple Mount has been found that was part of Solomon's Temple complex.
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