God Delusion, or Atheist Delusion?

"Live Science" lets a so-called "expert" equate all religion with psychological delusions. The tables should be turned on atheists.

Can Atheists Answer the Meaning of Life?

An atheist serves up a way to get meaning out of the dark oblivion of materialism. This should be interesting.

Redefining Evolution to Make it More Palatable

Evolutionists use a bait-and-switch definition to gain acceptance of Darwinism, but their goal is the elimination of design.

How to Accept Darwinism: Deny Reality

Darwinism makes the world an illusion. No wonder its teachers use deception to indoctrinate students.

Darwin, the Idol of Richard Dawkins and His Followers

The adoration that the world's leading atheist gives to Charles Darwin goes over the top, says a scientist Dawkins refused to debate.

Atheist Denies Atheism Is a Religion

Atheist asks, "Is atheism just another religion?" and waddles into a mess of definitions. There's a better question to ask.

Evolution Is Not a Designer

From Richard Dawkins to new prizewinning engineers, scientists get natural selection all wrong.

News from Eden

Some recent findings fit naturally with a Genesis view of natural history.

Is Science Free of Miracles?

"No miracles" is a favorite phrase by an evolutionist who finds that perplexing problems always "yield to evolutionary thinking."

Improbable Ape Speaks Randomly

It's not uncharitable to call someone an ape when he calls himself that.

Stretching Credibility in Evolutionary Stories

Improbable events happening numerous times; selective extinctions; voodoo phylogenetics – at what point do evolutionary explanations exceed the threshold of credibility a trusting public grants to the gurus of the culture, scientists?

Secularists Lured to Paganism

If man is hopelessly religious, what happens when society’s scientific elites teach that religion is groundless? G. K. Chesterton once said, “When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing — they believe in anything.” The new atheists claim to base their beliefs on scientific evidence. They have no need for religious teachings or rituals. Is it not strange, then, to see the attraction of secularists to movements that give the appearance of new religious forms? Is there something innate in human nature that cries out for the sense of ultimate purpose and connection to the divine that religions have traditionally provided? Three recent examples of near-cult experiences may be illuminating.
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