Geology: A Science Where Theories Undergo Subduction

In plate tectonics, continental plates get subducted and melt under pressure. That’s like what happens to geological theories. Read enough geology papers, and you will find old theories constantly being replaced. Classic examples include plate tectonics becoming the new normal after Wegener’s theory had been viciously attacked, and megaflood theory for the Channeled Scablands becoming […]

The Fossils that Didn’t Evolve

Here's an assortment of newly-discovered fossils that challenge Darwinian evolution.
Death Valley superbloom 2016

Death Valley Comes Alive

As if resurrected from the dead, forgotten seeds burst forth in a celebration of life in the hottest place on earth.

Evolutionists 98% Wrong on Desert Pupfish

Small fish living in Devil's Hole became isolated just hundreds of years ago, not thousands.

Animal Excellence Exceeds Mere Survival

A tiny bird could live like other birds do without having to fly non-stop for 1,700 miles. Other examples abound of over-design in the animal world.

Geologists 750% Wrong in Death Valley

A volcanic explosion in northern Death Valley occurred 800 years ago, not 6,000, “far more recently than generally thought,” according to new dating estimates. The event that created Ubehebe Crater is so recent, in fact, geologists think another devastating explosion could happen today.

Nature Does It Right

Scientists and engineers continue to find well-designed features in living things that are worth imitating.
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