Darwinism, an Excuse for Lazy Thinking

Just say it evolved because of selective pressure, and your work is done.

Dissing a Straw Noah

Secular science reporters don't do their homework. Their simplistic answers deceive the masses.

Should Big Science Blame the Public for Mistrust?

Look at what Big Science is doing. Then ask if the public is right to be wary of their claims.

Can Unbelievers Really Be Happy? – Commentary

The previous entry described coping mechanisms used by unbelievers to deal with 'uncreatedness' and crisis. Let's think about them.

Is Climate Change An Existential Threat?

There's an uncanny parallel between climate change and evolution: which is, how skeptics of the consensus are treated.

Totalitarians on the Loose in Science

One must stop totalitarians before they gain power, or they will never relinquish it.

Ignoring the Opposition: How Big Science Descends into Groupthink

Big Science assumes you will be assimilated. Don't even think about disagreeing with the elite. You don't exist.

Darwin, the Idol of Richard Dawkins and His Followers

The adoration that the world's leading atheist gives to Charles Darwin goes over the top, says a scientist Dawkins refused to debate.

Darwin Report Card, continued: How Useful Is Evolutionary Theory?

Darwinism is useful in one demonstrable way: it keeps thousands of biologists employed in the business of evidence-free speculation.

If Science Is Superior, Why Does It Need Fixing?

Scientific publishing and peer review is undergoing a revolution, suggesting there has been something wrong. Yes; its lack of transparency is motivating a drive for 'open science.'

Don't Be a Snowflake

Psychologists find that people willing to face spiritual challenges have better mental health.

The Science Media Racket

Science reporting is a global racket that uncritically propagates nonsense with the imprimatur of science.

Bill Nye Admits to Propagating Evolution Via Emotional Stories

National Geographic gives Bill Nye the Science Guy an open mike to make unchallenged generalities, with feeling.

Fact Checkers, Spin Doctors Go to Work After Creation Debate

Neither side feels their champion scored a clear victory in the creation debate. Now it's time to evaluate who had the better facts and logic under fire.

Can Anticreationist Rhetoric Survive Debate?

Darwinist rhetoric thrives when it's the only show in town.
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