Darwin and Evolution Darwinism Undermines Values August 23, 2021 The Social Darwinists preached a dog-eat-dog society. What are Darwinists preaching today? The same thing. CONTINUE READING
Dumb Ideas Leftist Takeover of Big Science Continues August 1, 2020 We challenge you to find any science story that praises conservatives for anything. Big Science would rather praise communist China. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Climate Science Underestimates Natural Sources of Warming June 18, 2018 Scientists discover two more potent sources of greenhouse gases, both of which have nothing to do with human activity. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Big Science Struggling to Regain Credibility September 23, 2017 Peer review is under attack with new moves to combat fraud and special interest through integrity and transparency. But where do those come from? CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science The Climate Is Not Clear for Change September 19, 2016 Whenever you hear "all scientists agree," watch out. Groupthink may be at work. CONTINUE READING
Education Big Science Faces Credibility Gap February 2, 2015 Many people skeptical of scientific consensus are not uninformed or scientifically illiterate, study shows. CONTINUE READING