How SETI Believers Avoid Depression

It's hard to look at nothing for 60 years, and then have your biggest hope dashed.

Beware of Mindfulness

A popular meditation technique derived from ancient Buddhism "can be harmful – and can even make mental health worse."

Archive: Material Girls (and Boys) in a Material World Are Not Happy Campers

This article was published twenty years ago on Sept 7, 2003.

Semantic Inflation Can Create False Trends

The rise in anxiety can look downright depressing. But maybe it's an artifact of "concept creep" instead.

Darwin’s Bulldog Raised Mentally-Ill Perverts

Another review of a book about the Huxley family unloads the dirty laundry.

Is Psychology Schizophrenic?

Psychology is so stuck on an illogical paradigm, it is out of touch with reality. As it tries to explain schizophrenia, it exemplifies it.

Can You Have Godliness without God?

Secular scientists attempt to promote righteousness through human effort.

Reasons to Be Thankful When Depressed

By all accounts, 2020 has been a bad year: pandemic, lost jobs, riots, a contested election, restrictions on freedom. Rejoice!

Object of Meditation Matters

People with depression who have been taught mindfulness and meditation do not always get better. Why not?

Don’t Trust a Secular Shrink

What is secular psychology good for? With few exceptions, it is good for nothing but running away from.

Science Confirms Biblical Human Nature

Science reveals that people are just like what the Bible says they are: image-bearers of their Creator, yet fallen into sin.

Nature Time Improves Health, Well-Being

Stressed? Depressed? Take a forest bath. Another major study shows that outdoor exposure is good for the body and mind.

Creation Therapy for Suicidal Thoughts

Suicide has grown 30% since 2000, and is now a leading cause of death among young people. What can be done? With the memory of suicides of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade in recent news, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) just released alarming statistics. Medical Xpress reports. From 2000 to 2016 there was […]

Darwinism Still Corrupts Culture

The bad fruits of Social Darwinism are well known. Less well known are ongoing negative influences of modern Darwinian ideas on human behavior.

Don't Be a Snowflake

Psychologists find that people willing to face spiritual challenges have better mental health.
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