Human Body Why Sex Is Binary December 8, 2022 The new Woke claim that “Human Sex is Not Binary” ignores a massive amount of scientific literature CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution “Darwin’s Heir” Redefined Human Behavior January 17, 2022 More admissions of the Darwinian racism of scientists. The growing list now includes E.O. Wilson. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution 150 Years of Darwin’s Dangerous Book June 10, 2021 The 150th anniversary of the most dangerous book ever published: Darwin’s racism and sexism is now acknowledged. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin’s Racism Under Fire June 3, 2021 The truth finally comes out in a leading science magazine: Darwin was a first-class racist. CONTINUE READING
Birds Darwinism Does Not Fit the Evidence May 18, 2021 Darwinists have been lying, saying that "the evidence for evolution is overwhelming." The opposite is true. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Faithful Aghast at Stolen Relics November 24, 2020 It's not enough to have millions of copies of Darwin's writings in books and online. No; the original relics matter. CONTINUE READING
Early Man More Big Problems with Human Evolution July 22, 2019 Fossil discoveries keep "rewriting" or "overturning" accepted ideas about human evolution. Here are two more recent examples. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Piltdown Forger Fingered August 10, 2016 One man committed the greatest hoax in the history of anthropology, but others are not so easily exonerated for believing it. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Influential Evolutionist Fails to See His Own Contradictions June 25, 2016 He trains philosophically-unsophisticated students with self-refuting ideas with the force of moral subjectivity. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin and Malthus Were Wrong: Cooperation Is Key to Evolution May 13, 2016 The statements in a new conceptual model of evolution undermine the whole rationale for Social Darwinism. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Human Evolution Proved: April Fool! April 1, 2014 Anyone who thinks the evidence for gradual human evolution is unmistakeable should look at recent literature by secular experts. CONTINUE READING