Design of Life Update: Marine Biology

The animal stars of Illustra Media's "Design of Life" documentaries are still in the news: this time, whales, dolphins, fish and sea turtles.

Design of Life Update: Birds

Illustra Media’s Design of Life documentaries only began to explore the marvels of life. In this entry, we look at more wonders among birds. Eggs come in a variety of sizes and shapes, as shown in a rapid-fire series in the Illustra film. In an “Egg Mythbuster” piece, explains why some eggs are pear-shaped. […]
Monarch butterfly on flower

Design of Life Update: Butterflies

Illustra Media’s trilogy of documentaries only began to uncover the wonders of life. Here are updates on the series’ featured animals, this one on butterflies. Watch an amazing time-lapse video of butterfly wings developing in the chrysalis made by Nipam Patel of University of California at Berkeley. His lab assistant was able to extract tissue […]
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