Biomimetics Better Science Without Darwin June 11, 2024 Scientists wouldn't rush to imitate nature if it was poorly designed. CONTINUE READING
Birds Hummingbirds Thrive on Sugar February 15, 2024 Why don't hummingbirds get diabetes? They didn't evolve to live on sugar; they were designed that way. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Complex Design Seen in Human Skin May 10, 2021 Skin: An organ once thought to be simple is now shown to be far more complex than expected. Two new discoveries illustrate intelligent design. CONTINUE READING
Health Health Advice Keeps Changing November 15, 2018 Many things the experts told us were good for us or bad for us have "evolved" – sometimes into opposite counsel. CONTINUE READING
Health Nature Time Improves Health, Well-Being July 17, 2018 Stressed? Depressed? Take a forest bath. Another major study shows that outdoor exposure is good for the body and mind. CONTINUE READING
Health Adult Stem Cells Continue to Show Promise July 26, 2016 Ethical stem cells from adult tissues make more news than embryonic stem cells. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Smart Money Is on Adult Stem Cells, but Some Scientists Still Lust after Embryos January 19, 2016 When adult stem cells do the job, why are some scientists tinkering with human embryos? CONTINUE READING
Human Body Learn How to Operate Your Body February 20, 2015 You have built-in machinery and software that's beyond your awareness. Here are ways to enlist your equipment for better health. CONTINUE READING
Human Body The Cures Are Inside You October 22, 2014 Your body has the means to repair itself, if the right cells get into the right places. CONTINUE READING
Health Better Health Through Nature October 3, 2013 Humans were meant to thrive in the environment. We sequester ourselves from the natural world at our own peril. CONTINUE READING