Counting Craters: Bad Assumptions Undermine Reliability

A new chronology of Earth/moon history reaches conclusions that are so assumption-ridden as to be worthless.

Dinosaur Variety was Extreme

Here are news stories about dinosaurs, from dwarfs to giants that lived in all kinds of habitats.

Terrible Mistake about Diamond Dates

Geologists fess up to wrong conclusion about the "world's oldest diamonds."

Geology Can Be Explosively Rapid

When people hear of "geologic time," they are trained to think of millions of years. Big things can happen in far less time.

Where Do Gems and Precious Metals Come From?

Gold, diamonds, and other precious metals and gems... they are found close to the surface of the earth where humans can mine them and make jewelry. But they shouldn’t be there. Heavy elements should have sunk deep into the core of the Earth soon after it was formed. Wait till you hear some of the latest ideas about how precious metals and gems arrived near the surface. Maybe they shot up from the mantle. Maybe they came from outer space.
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