Bird Wings Found in Amber

The modern appearance is empirical. The date is philosophical.

Dinosaur Extinction Rewritten Again

Who will go back and fix the animations?

Media Go Nuts Over Alleged Tyrannosaur Missing Link

From a few bone fragments and lots of imagination, reporters lit the fireworks and marching bands to spin stories for Darwin.

Twist of the Wrist: Dino-Bird Magic

The hand of the evolutionist is quicker than the eye of the reporter.

Feather Mistake: Dinosaurs Were Mostly Scaly

Some paleontologists have been going overboard with dino-feathers.

Grebe Left Imaginary Dinosaur Feathers in Amber

“Dinosaur feathers” are all over the news again, thanks to a paper in Science revealing feathers in amber found in Canada. But whose feathers are they? Inferences from other sources, not from the amber, were brought into the interpretation, even though the discoverers admitted, “There is currently no way to refer the feathers in amber with certainty to either birds or the rare small theropods from the area.” And modern-looking feathers of diving birds like grebes were also found in the same amber, leading to numerous questions about what can rightly be inferred from the fossils themselves. No matter; most of the media loved the evolutionary implications and trotted out their headlines that feather evolution from dinosaur to bird has been proven.
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