Silly Stories Demean Science

If science had an icon like the Statue of Liberty, she would be hanging her head in disgrace for what passes for science these days.

Evolutionists Boast of Storytelling

Some evolutionists not only own up to just-so storytelling; they parade it.

You Can Trust Scientists (to Be Fallible)

With theory overturns like these, one gets to wonder about the privileged status of scientists in our culture.

Fossils Sprout New Tales

When unexpected things turn up in the fossil record, evolutionists get out their storytelling playbook.

Dinosaur Extinction Rewritten Again

Who will go back and fix the animations?

Darwin Can't Win for Losing

Progress must be made with gains, not losses.

Are Saturn's Moons Younger than the Dinosaurs?

Stunning admissions show that secular astronomers can't keep Saturn's moons billions of years old.

Dark Matter Is Lost in Space

Astronomers are spending millions on their biggest gamble yet: looking for something that may not exist.

The Farce Awakens: More Just-So Stories for the Darwin Crowd

More examples of the art of Just-So Storytelling from evolutionary biologists and psychologists. Pick your winner!

Do Evolutionists Have Extinctions Figured Out?

Stories of periodic mass extinctions millions of years ago sound like factual accounts, till you look at the details and ask some simple questions.

Will the Dinosaur Paradigm Be Next to Fall?

"Cold dinosaur" fossils have paleontologists questioning everything they thought they knew about dinosaur physiology.

What Sparked the Mammal Explosion?

If you think tiny shrew-like mammals scurried afoot below dinosaurs right before they went extinct, you've got the wrong picture.

Evolutionary Enigmas

Neo-Darwinism is at war with the observations, and the observations might just win.

Did Dinosaurs See the Grand Canyon?

Evolutionists and creationists agree that dinosaurs did not look over the rim of Grand Canyon – but for different reasons.

Dinosaurs Wore Scales, Birds Wore Feathers

Interesting new fossils of dinosaurs and birds cause some rethinking, calling into question whether previous thinking was thought out well.
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