Arabian Artifacts Undermine Human Evolution Narrative

Human evolution story is in shambles (again) after finds in Arabia, but the Darwinian storytellers have no shame. They keep imagining new tales.

Fun in Evolutionary Wonderland

Unconstrained by competition, the Darwin Party’s science storytelling industry comes up with some wacky scenarios. Where’s my horse-sized rabbit? ( There are some pretty big fossil rodents, but no big fossil rabbits. Leave it to Darwinists to explain anything and everything. So why don’t we see rabbits rivaling the sizes of horses? To answer this […]

Oldest Language in India Only 4,500 Years Old

If modern humans left Africa 185,000 years ago or more, why does the oldest language in India date back less than 3% of that time?

Darwin Was Right, So They Say

In order to keep Darwin looking trendy, some evolutionists use the "Darwin was right" meme.
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