Crazy Darwinism Needs Shaming

Censorship of Darwin skeptics has given license to absurd speculations.

Friday Funnies: Evolutionary Balderdash

If you replaced "evolutionary" with a nonsense word, it would make as much sense. Maybe more.

Comb Jellies Take the Lead Over Sponges!

Comb jellies pull ahead in an endless game to earn the title Last Common Ancestor of All Animals

Do Cosmologists See Clearly with Chickenwire?

They talk glibly about observing objects billions of light-years away, but their empiricism is tainted by assumptions.

Witchcraft Evolves, Says New Study

Survey tries to pin witchcraft on religiosity, but if it evolves, a Darwinist must conclude it improves the fitness of a group.

NASA Goes Loony: Moon Formed in Mere Hours?

Is it clickbait? NASA is claiming the moon formed within hours after a collision.

Mars Meteorite Shakes Up Stories of Solar System Formation

A long-held assumption about isotope ratios contradicts prevailing views about planet formation.

Skull Duggery: Dragon Man Cannot Rescue Human Evolution

The tale of Neanderthals, Denisovans and modern humans shakes up evolutionists again with another skull from China.

Imagination Running Rampant in Science

Science reporters and scientists have lost all respect for evidence. They spin imaginative tales with reckless abandon.

Kazooki Theater: Darwinism Tolerates Kooky Speculation

No, an orangutan playing a kazoo cannot explain the origin of human language. Why do such ideas get favorable media press?

Darwinists Use Fossils as Props for Propaganda

With one-party rule in any institution, everything supports the party line. Open debate would be healthy for paleontology.

Can Science Study Demonology?

One cannot make predictions about what a mind will do. Secular scientists mock belief in angels and demons, but they have their own occult beliefs.

Darwinism as an All-Purpose Story Plot

Observations are just props. The play is, “The Evolution of Whatever” or “How Whatever Evolved.” Now playing in science media near you. As a play, Darwinism has two subplots: natural selection and sexual selection. With a little creative screenwriting, any observation in nature can be fit into either or both subplots, provided the perhapsimaybecouldness index […]

Darwinism as a Post-Observation What-If Game

The silly evolutionary spin put on observations of the natural world do not contribute to science; they cheapen it.

Secular Ocean Theory Evaporates

The divination experts see a new vision emerging from meteorites, portending disaster.
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