Archive: Abiogenesis, Lobsters, Logic, Memory, Physics, Big Dinosaurs, More

Here are more of the stories we were reporting in late November 2001, restored from archives.

Archive: DNA, Insects, Human Body, Fossils

These stories from March 2003 are useful for comparing what science was saying 21 years ago with discoveries since then.

Archive: RNA Repair, Diatom Strength, AAAS Superstition

These articles from February 2003 give glimpses into the status of science 21 years ago.

Genome Maintenance Defies Evolution

Darwinism cannot explain the multi-part systems required to maintain the DNA code.

Chernobyl Dogs Survive Without Evolving

Stray dogs left behind after the Chernobyl accident are still living and reproducing, but not becoming more fit.

Molecular Machines Labor 24×7 Every Day

It's Labor Day in America, but the molecular motors in your body never take a holiday break.

News Media Swallow 830 Million Year Old Life Claim

The extreme gullibility of scientists and reporters displays their blind love for Darwin and deep time.

Life is Designed to Prevent Evolution

Another system has been discovered that corrects the very mutations that Darwinism depends on for novelty.

Is Cancer an Example of Evolution?

Does everything evolve, even cancer? Actually, cancer research is based on intelligent design, not evolution.

Neanderthal Y Chromosome Looks Modern

Another theory bites the dust: The "Disappearing Y Chromosome" has not shrunk, as shown by comparisons with Neanderthal DNA.

Cancer Research Is Based on Intelligent Design, Not Evolution

To Understand Cancer Requires Acceptance of Irreducible Complexity

Created Designs for Good Health

Science keeps finding that good health is built into the Master Plan.

Neutral Theory of Evolution Debunked

Dr Jerry Bergman elaborates on a proof in Michael Behe's new book that the neutral theory of evolution fails.

“It Evolved” Is Not an Explanation

A Darwinian can stare at evidence for intelligent design all day and conclude, without batting an eye, "evolution did it." Look at these examples.

What Your Cells Do For You

Until recently, we humans had no idea the complexity of the systems that keep us alive.
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