Darwin and Evolution Hallucinating Darwinians Are a Disgrace to Science January 30, 2025 Evolutionists keep making up silly stories. Time to say, "You're fired!" CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution On the Evolution of Cuteness December 17, 2020 Darwin silliness has reached a new low. A grad student is working on a paper about how evolution makes people watch cat videos. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Contestants for Latest Silly Darwin Stories June 1, 2020 Vote for the best candidate! So many to choose from, so little time. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Silly Darwin Stories Do No Good May 9, 2020 Darwinists cannot confirm anything in their stories, and even if they could, so what? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Kazooki Theater: Darwinism Tolerates Kooky Speculation September 27, 2019 No, an orangutan playing a kazoo cannot explain the origin of human language. Why do such ideas get favorable media press? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Sunday Funnies March 17, 2019 Who admits to going to the funny pages first in the big Sunday paper? Darwin always delivers a good laugh. CONTINUE READING
Birds Natural Selection Theory Makes Scientists Lazy February 22, 2019 'Natural selection' is a vacuous concept that provides a convenient way out from doing the hard work of science. CONTINUE READING