The Stuff Happens Law in Geology

"Then something happened," say geologists who weren't there and didn't witness anything.
False-color image of Pluto from New Horizons, July 24, 2015

What’s Pluto Been Dune? Making Young Sand Dunes

Sand dunes were surprising enough on Titan, but et tu, Pluto? and young, recent dunes? Scientists couldn't believe their eyes.
Cassini at Saturn

Dry Titan Has Static Cling

Imagine putting a cat in box of packing peanuts. Something like that happens when Titan's sand dunes grow, some scientists think.
Cassini at Saturn

SaturNews and TitaNews

New findings are running rings around planetary theories of old age, particularly in the Saturn system.

Juno How Old the Solar System Is?

Everyone knows the solar system is 4.5 billion years old. Everyone, that is, except Nature herself.

Titan Takes the Age Stage

Saturn's giant moon has prompted a flurry of new science papers. Can anyone keep it billions of years old?

New Pluto Images Even More Perplexing

Pluto has terrain like no other world, leaving scientists perplexed; Enceladus' activity is also inexplicable for "geologic time".

Saturn Rescues Earth: Outer Planet Wonders

How Saturn saved the Earth, and other news from the ringed planet, its family, and other bodies in the outer solar system.

Canyons on Earth, Mars Reinterpreted as Flood-Caused

Catastrophic floods formed canyons long thought to have been formed by slow, gradual processes.

Of Planets and People

Here's a quick tour of the planets to see what's newsworthy.

The Spin on Planets

As the orbs whirl around Sol, human understanding of our space neighborhood rises and falls.

Changing Stories at Saturn and Titan

News from the ringed planet and its largest moon shows scientists can't keep their stories straight when trying to keep Saturn billions of years old.

Titan and Mercury: Challenges to Billions of Years

News from Titan and Mercury continue to challenge current theories that they formed billions of years ago.
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