Archive: Membrane Channels, Molecular Machines, Censorship, Cave Art, More

Breakthroughs, controversies, and scientists acting badly: these are other reports recovered from January 2002.

Neanderthals Promoted to Relatives

Once viewed as an extinct missing link, Neanderthals are now seen as our distant relatives.

Paranthropus Not a Missing Link

Paranthropus boisei (formerly Zinjanthropus) is no longer considered a missing link. It was an extinct ape.

Time to Unlearn the Evolutionary March of Human Progress

New discovery adds more evidence against the human evolution progression.

Lucy Worshiped Like a Religious Icon

The adulation given to the ‘Lucy’ bones overlooks big problems with the fossil.

What’s Hot This Week

Check in several times a day for word about news items appearing on our feeds.

Archive: Robots, Hubble, Proteins, Cell Motor, Arctic, More

Here are some of our entries from our First Anniversary year 23 years ago.

Archive: Rafting, Oxygen, Indoctrination, Mars Flood, More

These articles from August 2001 can provoke insight, disgust, humor, or any combination of the three.

Homo habilis ‘Handy Man’ Getting Fired

More evolutionists admit major problems exist with this fossil and its interpretation.

Archive: Christmas Stories from 2005

Here are a couple of entries relating to Christmas from 18 years ago.

Human Evolution Dates Are Unreliable

Leading nature museum admits flaws in all dates for human ancestors.

Human Evolution Story Constantly Rethought

Nothing we were taught is true. Everything is up for revision.

Human Population Bottleneck Admitted by Secular Geneticists

Secular scientists now claim that the human population almost died out. Does this match the Biblical record?

Did Pre-Humans Build Log Cabins?

Evolutionary anthropologists are in trouble again with too-early evidence of intelligent design.

Cave Paintings May Contain Codes

The Foresight of Our Paleolithic Ancestors: Ancient Cave Paintings Suggest Messaging
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