Darwinism, an Excuse for Lazy Thinking

Just say it evolved because of selective pressure, and your work is done.

Three More Fossils Appear Earlier Than Thought

They appear earlier than thought, but show no sign of evolutionary transition.

“Probably Evolved” Is Batty Science

Some bats echolocate but don’t have to. Saying that they “probably evolved” echolocation makes no sense.   The Egyptian fruit bat uses echolocation but is active at day and night. Israeli scientists predicted they would not use this skill while flying during daylight hours. They were wrong. Observations showed that these bats, even though they […]

Shedding Dark on Whale Evolution

Darwin-worshiping biologists brag about shedding light on evolution, but it is only black light that makes their imaginations glow.

Bats Defy Evolution

Bats are highly successful and diverse mammals, the only mammals capable of powered flight.

Small Animals Strut Their Stuff

Bioengineers struggle to keep up with the designs in nature. For Pi Day, here are some amazing designs in small animals.

Mammals With Super Senses

These mammals are very different from each other except in how they put human technology to shame.

Inserting Darwin Where He Doesn’t Belong

Chuck-in-the-Box keeps popping up in scientific literature having nothing to do with his theory.

Bat Designs Tainted by Batty Evolution Stories

When learning about well-designed flyers like bats, is it helpful to speculate about how Darwinian evolution invented the traits by chance? Drink Up, Boys In previous news, we learned how dogs drink using “acceleration-driven open pumping” (15 Dec 2015). There’s a method in that mad slurping: to lift water from the bowl, your dog employs […]

Biological Designs Worth Imitating

If these designs are so good that intelligent minds want to mimic them, who can believe they emerged by chance?

Design of Life Update: Marine Biology

The animal stars of Illustra Media's "Design of Life" documentaries are still in the news: this time, whales, dolphins, fish and sea turtles.

Strange and Wonderful Animals Explored

Look at what scientists are learning about some common animals, and others not so common.

Crazy Convergences Distort Darwinism

Get a load of this: Darwinians claim that complex features arose independently multiple times by an unknown process called "convergent evolution."

Fast Flight Specializations in Birds and Bats

When you are moving rapidly, you need to see things differently.

Animals Can Be Smarter Than You Think

Here are four organisms with surprising mental powers.
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