Sea Cucumbers Save Corals

The "Roombas of the Sea" help create a clean habitat for coral reefs and their customers.

To Solve Problems, Look to Nature

A wealth of engineering solutions is all around us if we but observe and learn.

Illustra Media Showcases the Wood Wide Web

The ways that plants communicate through underground fungal networks is illustrated in a dazzling new short film.

A Manufactured New Sin: Speciesism

A new thought crime takes direct aim at Genesis and human exceptionalism. Policies to punish this crime could end civilization as we know it.

Adventuring for Fake Science

Researchers can go to extreme lengths to gather data for evolutionary studies, but that doesn't make it all useless.

Desert Varnish Goes Biological

What was thought to be a geological phenomenon turns out to be the work of photosynthetic bacteria.

Microbes Travel the Globe

The tiniest of life forms are able to traverse continental distances on wings of the wind.

Dramatic Climate Change Occurred Before Cities

Fossils show remaining bones of aquatic mammals poking out of the desert sands of Egypt.

Downside of Green Energy Unplanned

Windmills and solar farms come with their own environmental baggage, but who is planning for it? Nobody.

South Sudan: A Lost Eden Recovering

The evil that men do affects wildlife, too. But when men stop doing evil, sometimes the animals come back.

Another Big Science Fail Over Pollution

Is plastic polluting the world's oceans? Yes, but not nearly as much as hundreds of studies had claimed. Measure, don't assume!

Climate Hysteria Goes Far Beyond the Science

The behavior of scientists, the media, and individuals who follow them like groupies tells a lot about the nature of science.

Unusual Fossils Call for Unusual Explanations

Some recent fossil finds require creative storytelling, but the science is the data –not the story.

Humans Can Selectively Wipe Out Certain Animals

The human impact on animals is well known today and is becoming apparent in history, too. Implications for ancient history are considered.

Beavers Clean the Soil

Without beaver dams, loss of nutrients from soil would increase, and pollutants from upstream erosion would afflict waterways.
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