Fossils Evolutionists Exacerbate the Cambrian Explosion July 21, 2023 Two secular papers this month will not be welcome by Darwinians. They remove the biggest excuses. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Mistaken Identity Embarrasses Evolutionists February 6, 2023 Anyone can make a mistake identifying a fossil, but Darwinism sometimes leads scientists to see what they want to see. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Trending: Things Evolved “Earlier Than Thought” October 20, 2022 CEH has often reported organisms supposedly evolving "earlier than thought." This pushes evolution into a time crunch. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionists Call Example of Extreme Stasis “Evolution” September 22, 2022 Evolution means nothing at all if it means an organism can stay the same for 541 million years. CONTINUE READING
Geology Geologic Column Evolves February 1, 2022 Like a prototype made of putty, the geologic column is less a reflection of reality than it is of ideology. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Old Fat Not Worth Chewing: Evolutionary Tale Update December 4, 2020 It took two years, but now evolutionists have been falsified more properly. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Fat Chance: Evolutionists Push Date of Soft Tissue Back 558 Million Years September 22, 2018 The latest find of original molecules in a fossil should falsify long ages, but the discoverers use it to celebrate Darwinian evolution. CONTINUE READING
Fossils The Fossils that Didn’t Evolve July 28, 2017 Here's an assortment of newly-discovered fossils that challenge Darwinian evolution. CONTINUE READING
Geology Aliens Invade Geology June 10, 2017 Is secular geology about to take leave of its senses, believing in unicorns? Read on. CONTINUE READING
Geology Do Evolutionists Have Extinctions Figured Out? October 6, 2015 Stories of periodic mass extinctions millions of years ago sound like factual accounts, till you look at the details and ask some simple questions. CONTINUE READING
Education Friday Funnies: Evo-Comics May 15, 2015 Not every Darwinian explanation is useless. Some of them can function as entertainment. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology The Meek Control the Earth September 6, 2014 How can such a small thing affect the geology and climate of the whole planet? Don't underestimate the power of small creatures. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Cambrian Explosion Included Vertebrate Fish August 29, 2014 At the first appearance of complex animals, vertebrate fish were already there, a new analysis confirms. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Cambrian Explosion: Evolutionists Have No Answers June 8, 2013 An intelligent design advocate is publishing a book this month that uses the Cambrian Explosion as evidence against Darwinism and for I.D. Two major evolutionary paleontologists have also published a book about the issue. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution The Ediacaran Era May Be a Flawed Concept March 26, 2013 Before humans arrived, no strata came with "Ediacaran" stamped on them. Does this human-invented name have any real meaning? Does it tell time? CONTINUE READING