Media Archive: Rafting, Oxygen, Indoctrination, Mars Flood, More August 9, 2024 These articles from August 2001 can provoke insight, disgust, humor, or any combination of the three. CONTINUE READING
Health Nazi Medicine Inspired by Darwin June 12, 2024 Darwin-inspired Nazi medicine dominated academia in Germany and produced a horrific medical atlas. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Archive: In 2004, Big Science Worried that Democrats Vastly Outnumber Republicans December 2, 2023 The journal Science said 19 years ago that the lopsided political views in academia marginalizes conservatives. CONTINUE READING
Education India Schools Drop Evolution: Academia Screams June 19, 2023 India drops evolution for students under 16. The outcry is loud and aggressive over worries that the creation movement is spreading to Asia. CONTINUE READING
Education Most Christian College Professors Teach Evolution, not Creation May 4, 2023 The results of a survey reported in April 2023 show Christian Colleges buckling uncritically to Darwinist groupthink. CONTINUE READING
Media How Authoritarianism in Science Prevents Objective Evaluation of Darwinism March 22, 2023 Mockery is not an argument. Let the science speak. CONTINUE READING
Media 2022 Year in Review January 1, 2023 Here is a list of the most visited articles in Creation-Evolution Headlines in 2022. CONTINUE READING
Education Evolutionary Indoctrination Works When Debate Is Forbidden April 27, 2022 Here is proof that evolutionary indoctrination works and that the evidence does not matter. CONTINUE READING
Education HeadStart: New Online Tool for Science Students February 22, 2022 A new website from the Creation Science Association of Alberta provides resources for the inquiring student. CONTINUE READING
Education Does Cheating Evolve? October 11, 2021 What if the evolution of cheating by natural selection backfires, and everyone becomes a cheater? CONTINUE READING
Education Poll Claims a Majority of Americans Say They Accept Evolution August 30, 2021 One reason is indoctrination into Darwinism in public schools. CONTINUE READING
Media Big Science Demands the Trust It Isn’t Getting July 31, 2021 Don't ask questions, orders Big Science. Submit, or you will be mocked as a science denier. You may even be censored. We, the propaganda arm of the Left, are the experts. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Mindless Artificial Intelligence Doesn’t Understand What It Says March 14, 2021 Artificial intelligence is getting so good, it can fool most people, but it lacks what humans need for trust: integrity. CONTINUE READING
Education NASA Indoctrinates Kids to Expect Aliens February 26, 2021 Students in public schools have no chance to hear the reasons why life cannot "emerge" from rocks and water. CONTINUE READING
Education Will the Darwin-Only Party Take Power? November 3, 2020 One American party would lock in Darwinist totalitarianism in schools, colleges, and public institutions forever. CONTINUE READING