Shelled Eggs Crack Evolution

Explaining shelled eggs by natural selection is a major problem.

Intricate Design Found in Sperm Cells

Research is proving that a supposed simple cell is far more complex than once thought

Fertilization Launches Zinc Fireworks

"Beautiful to see, orchestrated much like a symphony" – this is how a fertilized cell announces a new individual.

Cilia ‘Magic Carpet’ Required for Life

Small details can be critical for life. Look at what is involved in getting an egg into position for fertilization.

Does Imperfection Discredit Design?

If God Created Humans Perfect, Why Do so Many Mistakes Occur in Producing New Life? Atheists argue we were not created, but evolved by natural selection of errors called mutations by Jerry Bergman, PhD Introduction One argument atheists use to support their belief that humans were not created, but instead, evolved, is the imperfect world […]

Matched Design in Human Reproduction Defies Evolution

This excerpt from Henry Richter's book illustrates amazingly complex design in human reproduction.

Bird Development in Stunning Video

The orchestration of a bird from egg to chick is shown in astonishing detail by Illustra Media.

Watch the Birdie Develop

What's more common than a chicken? What's more phenomenal than a chicken? Watch the birdie in the video.

The Information Packed Into a Bird Egg

There's more in a bird's egg than can be accounted for by the Reverse Humpty Dumpty Hypothesis (i.e., Darwinism).

Original Dinosaur Egg Pigments Found

Add this to your dinosaur soft tissue collection: eggshell pigment proteins that allowed scientists to tell the eggs were blue.

Egg-Shape Evolution Theory Cracks Under Pressure

Touted as an evolutionary explanation for bird egg shapes, a new hypothesis celebrating natural selection falls like Humpty Dumpty under a gentle breeze of questioning.

Pin the Feather on the Dinosaur

Careless artists and reporters have put imaginary feathers on a one-ton dinosaur that couldn't fly.

Evolution for the Birds

Birds have not evolved as much as evolutionary theories about them have.

Darwinism Still Corrupts Culture

The bad fruits of Social Darwinism are well known. Less well known are ongoing negative influences of modern Darwinian ideas on human behavior.

For the Love of Trees

You don't have to be a proverbial tree-hugger to love trees and wonder at all the things they can do, and do for us.
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